Monday, April 20, 2009

A Toast!

Last week I took a happy little trip to Costco. I LOVE this place. I love how I can buy anything I want in copious amounts to last me for at least 1 year. I love being able to get hair products. gum, and food for amazing deals. But most of all, I love the free food samples.

This could possibly be the biggest perk of being a Costco member. While I shop for my bulk products I can sample the latest in fine warehouse cuisine: Progresso soup in a plastic shot cup, white chicken breast on a stick, and a couple sips of Vitamin Water. It is the perfect appetizer for the chicken bake I always plan to get after I've dropped at least $50 and walk out of there pushing a cart double my size.

I propose a toast to the ladies and men who stand behind those little white tables keeping the snacks coming. May your hair nets stay tied, your aprons stay white, and may you continue to ask me if I would like to try some beef taquitos. I would love to. I would love to.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It Has Come

Good people of the Salt Lake Valley. The time to rejoice is nigh. Mother Nature has heard our pleas and is granting us with a week of heavenly weather. Put away that parka, dawn some shorts, and join your friends in the park for some Frisbee. Allow that pasty-white skin to bask in the burning sun while making sure it has a protective layer of SPF 40 on it. My good friends, here is the forecast we've been waiting for!